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TOPIC: Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery

Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery 9 years 1 month ago #2779

  • Hieu Ja
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We are pleased to announce that we have released new video gallery module for Joomla 3.x: Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery. Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery is flexible module to load videos from Youtube and display in responsive carousel gallery. The gallery have 2 parts: Main Video Area - to play video, and Thumbnail Video Carousel - to display thumbnail image of video and when you click on thumbnail image, the video will play in Main Video Area. You can use module to load video from Youtube by: Keywords (search video on Youtube), Playlist, Username or Channel with maximum 50 videos.

Main Features:
  1. You can use module to load video from Youtube by: Keywords (search video on Youtube), Playlist, Username or Channel with maximum 50 videos
  2. Infinitely looping: Loop through your slides endlessly in both directions.
  3. Responsive: Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery can be scaled to any size at realtime.
  4. Unlimited Color: You can select module background image, background color to fit style if your website.
  5. AutoPlay, Auto Hide Player Bar, Show/hide Player Bar, Show/hide Video Information, Allow Fullscreen.
  6. Mobile Device Optimized: Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery works on any javascript enabled browser, including Windows Phone, iOS, Android and Opera Mobile etc.
  7. Cross Browser, All Browsers Supported: VVina Youtube Carousel Gallery is cross browser slider, all browsers are supported (IE 6+, Firefox 2+, Chrome 3+, Safari 3+, Opera 10+, iOS Safari, Opera Mobile, Android Browser, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows Surface etc.).
  8. Thumbnail Images Navigation: Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery will auto create thumbnail images and make it work as a navigation.
  9. Support Multi-Language; Support Multi-Module in the same page.
  10. It's very easy to setup and has several customization parameters to fit your needs.
  11. Totally customizable and skinnable using HTML and CSS. To manipulate almost everything!

Useful Links:
  1. Live Demo: joomla.vinagecko.com/extensions/?extension=youtube_cgallery
  2. Download: vinagecko.com/joomla-modules/item/188-youtube-carousel-gallery
  3. Documentation: joomla.vinagecko.com/docs/?extension=youtube_cgallery
  4. Ticket Support: tickets.vinagecko.com/
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Youtube suggested videos - Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery 8 years 3 months ago #3832

  • Javier Roman
  • Javier Roman's Avatar
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Good Morning!

I have this module working in my website: www.injertocapilartrasplante.es/

All is fine, but when the video finish, it shows Youtube suggested videos that I dont want to show... I know how can quit with normal embed video, but with your module I dont know....

Please help me!

All the best.
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Youtube suggested videos - Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery 8 years 3 months ago #3834

  • Rango
  • Rango's Avatar
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@Javier Roman: You can remove suggested videos by open this file: ROOT/modules/mod_vina_youtube_cgallery/tmpl/default_js.php and change line 42

'<iframe src="https://youtube.com/embed/' + mainID + autoPlay + autoHide + showInfo + fullScreen + controls + '" width="' + self.data.width + '" height="' + self.data.height + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen />',

'<iframe src="https://youtube.com/embed/' + mainID + autoPlay + autoHide + showInfo + fullScreen + controls + '&rel=0" width="' + self.data.width + '" height="' + self.data.height + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen />',

And change line 87:
'<a href="' + url + '">',
'<a href="' + url + '&rel=0">',
No pain no gain! Accept the pain, future will be fruitful!
Last Edit: 8 years 3 months ago by Rango.
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Youtube suggested videos - Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery 8 years 3 months ago #3838

  • Javier Roman
  • Javier Roman's Avatar
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I have just done! But it doesnt work... you can see the file that I have changed. :(


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery for Joomla 3

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Copyright(C) 2015 www.VinaGecko.com. All Rights Reserved.

# @license http://www.gnu.org/licenseses/gpl-3.0.html GNU/GPL

# Author: VinaGecko.com

# Websites: http://vinagecko.com

# Forum: http://vinagecko.com/forum/

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------


// no direct access

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');


<script type="text/javascript">

var Youtube<?php echo $module->id; ?> = {

    init: function (config) {

        this.container 	= config.container;

		this.data 		= config.data;




    attach: function () {


		var self = this,

			autoPlay = '?autoplay=0',

			showInfo = '&showinfo=0',

			autoHide = '&autohide=2',

			fullScreen = '',

			controls = '&controls=0';


		if(self.data.autoPlay) autoPlay = '?autoplay=1';

		if(self.data.showInfo) showInfo = '&showinfo=1';

		if(self.data.autoHide) autoHide = '&autohide=1';

		if(self.data.allowFullScreen) fullScreen = '&fs=1';

		if(self.data.controls) controls = '&controls=1';


		var mainID  = self.data.mainID,

            structure = [

            '<div class="featured">',

                '<iframe src="https://youtube.com/embed/' + mainID + autoPlay + autoHide + showInfo + fullScreen + controls + '" width="' + self.data.width + '" height="' + self.data.height + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen />',


            '<div class="carousel-container cf">',

                '<span class="shadow shadow-left" />',

                '<span class="prev controll" />',

                '<div class="carousel-inner">',

                    '<ul class="slider cf" />',


                '<span class="next controll" />',

                '<span class="shadow shadow-right" />',



        if (mainID) {


        } else {

            throw new Error('The url of the video page is wrong or not defined');



    fetch: function () {


		var self = this,

			autoPlay = '?autoplay=0',

			showInfo = '&showinfo=0',

			autoHide = '&autohide=2',

			fullScreen = '',

			controls = '&controls=0';


		if(self.data.autoPlay) autoPlay = '?autoplay=1';

		if(self.data.showInfo) showInfo = '&showinfo=1';

		if(self.data.autoHide) autoHide = '&autohide=1';

		if(self.data.allowFullScreen) fullScreen = '&fs=1';

		if(self.data.controls) controls = '&controls=1';


		var videos   = self.data.videos,

            carousel = jQuery(self.container).find('.carousel-container'),

            i, l;

        for (i = 0, l = videos.length; i < l; i += 1) {

            var id = videos[i].videoID;

            var url   = 'https://youtube.com/embed/'+ id + autoPlay + autoHide + showInfo + fullScreen + controls,

				thumb = 'https://img.youtube.com/vi/' + id + '/hqdefault.jpg',				

				els   = [

					'<li class="thumb">',

						'<a href="' + url + '&rel=0">',

							'<img src="' + thumb + '" alt="' + id + '">',






        jQuery(window).load(function () {




    carousel: function () {

        var self      = this,

            slider    = jQuery(self.container).find('.slider'),

            controll  = jQuery(self.container).find('.carousel-container .controll'),

            featured  = jQuery(self.container).find('.featured'),

            photosLen = slider.find('li').length;


        if (photosLen > 3) {

            var itemWidth = jQuery(self.container).find('.slider li').outerWidth(true);

            controll.css({display: 'block'});


                left: '-'+itemWidth+'px'



            jQuery(self.container).on('click', '.carousel-container .controll', function (){

                var $this = jQuery(this);

                if ($this.hasClass('next')) {

                    var leftIndent = parseInt(slider.css('left')) - itemWidth;

                    jQuery(self.container).find('.slider:not(:animated)').animate({'left' : leftIndent}, 500, function () {


                        slider.css({left : '-'+itemWidth+'px'});


                } else {

                    var leftIndent = parseInt(slider.css('left')) + itemWidth;

                    jQuery(self.container).find('.slider:not(:animated)').animate({'left' : leftIndent}, 500, function () {


                        slider.css({left : '-'+itemWidth+'px'});





        jQuery(self.container).on('click', '.thumb', function (e) {


            var href = jQuery(this).find('a').attr('href');

            featured.find('iframe').attr({'src' : href+'?autoplay=1'});






Last Edit: 8 years 3 months ago by Javier Roman.
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Youtube suggested videos - Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery 8 years 3 months ago #3842

  • Rango
  • Rango's Avatar
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I don't see any change in your file. It still same original file.
No pain no gain! Accept the pain, future will be fruitful!
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Youtube suggested videos - Vina Youtube Carousel Gallery 8 years 3 months ago #3843

  • Javier Roman
  • Javier Roman's Avatar
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Yes, I did the changes.

The problem is that you said me line 42, and there isnt anything there so I have changed 83 and 173.

But we have to do?
Last Edit: 8 years 3 months ago by Javier Roman.
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