Rango wrote:
@Giovanni Ciavarelli: you can open this file:
ROOT/templates/business_plan_ii/less/theme.less and add this code:
#sp-user2 {
.inscore {
iframe {
margin: 0 auto;
Last time this reply helped me so much, now I'm wondering what if I need to do the same thing in a different position and for a different module?
I find out the position name
#sp-recent-wrapper {
but I'm not sure how to retrive the "module" name: it's mod_mijoshop in the directory, so I used:
#sp-recent-wrapper {
.mijoshop {
iframe {
margin: 0 auto;
But I don't think It's working ...
I don't want to always bother!
How can I find out the right module name to put after the dot? .mijoshop for example ...
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